Danish Contacts

Here is a list of known Danish organizations, clubs and opportunities in South Africa. If you would like to include your own club, organization or city, please contact info@danish.co.za. Below the list you can find the full contact details:


Full details of contact list

Danish Dayatzy Club – Johannesburg

Monthly meeting where Dayatzy is played

Alice Andersen – Jesper Scheelke

Tel + 27 11 972 3360

E-mail: andersen@lantic.net


Danish Society

E-mail: info@danish.co.za



Danes Worldwide


Sydafrika repræsentant: Jette Botes



Dansk undervisning ved Kate Pape

Kate er Cand. Mag. og har i de sidste 25 år undervist både børn og voksne i dansk. Undervisningen omfatter sprogkundskab såvel som indblik i dansk kultur, historie og danske traditioner. Ud over undervisning arbejder Kate også som oversætter og tolk – dansk/svensk/norsk – engelsk.

Email: kate@danishlanguage.co.za

Tel: 011 788 2340 og 083 266 0381


Embassy of Denmark, Pretoria

iParioli Office Park 
Block B2, Ground Floor 
1166 Park Street 
Hatfield, Pretoria 
South Africa
PO Box 11439 
Hatfield, 0028 
South Africa

Tel: +27 12 430 9340 
Fax: +27 12 342 7620

Email: pryamb@um.dk 
Open hours : 
Monday 09h00-16h00 
Tuesday-Thursday : 08h00-16h00 
Friday : 08h00-14h00

Consular hours:
Monday – Friday: 09.00 – 12.00


Cape Town

Consulate of Denmark, Cape Town


DABGO – Africa

Linkedin group managed by Laura Lykkegaard Selander.

Mødes uformelt til drinks første onsdag hver måned kl. 18 på Hotel Mount Nelson: Stambord

E-mail: laura@DABGO.net



Danish Club Cape Town

E-mail: trg.africa@euro-center.com

Hjemmeside: www.danishclub.co.za


Danes Worldwide


Representative Laura L. Selander

Email: laura@capecapacity.com



Consulate of Denmark, Durban

9 Kensington Drive, Westville

Durban 3629

Tel: 031 267 8410

Emergency Tel: 083 289 6806

e-mail: consulate@itt.co.za

Consul: Ragnhild Lilly Unger Button


Danes Worldwide – KZN incl Durban


Representative: Lene M.P. Hansen

Cell: +27 076 64 4 5090

Email: durban@rep.danes.dk
