Genealogy & Antiques

The Danish Society is fortunate to own a copy of Oluf Larsens’ book about the Danish Society in South Africa from 1886 to 1935. The original book is kept safe at the Embassy of Denmark in Pretoria, however a pdf copy of the book can be downloaded here:

Download > Danish Society 1886-1935

In this book family researchers may be lucky to find references to ancestors from Denmark who lived in South Africa.

Additional books in Danish are also kept at the Embassy in Pretoria.

Dansk Forenings historie – Læder indbundet 1-5

Store Nordiske Konversations Leksikon 1-26

Danmarks Fiske 1-2

Større Danske Landbrug 1-9

Dyrenes Live 1-3

Johannes Brøndsted – Danmarks Oldtid 1-3

Københavner Liv 1-2

Troels Lund – Dagligt liv i Norden 1-4

Landbrugets Bierhverv.

Danske Slotte og Herregårde 1-7

Det Danske Folks Historie 1-8

Opfindelsernes Bog 1-4

Schultz – Danmarks Historie 1-6

Salmonsens – Konversations Leksikon 1-24

Hedens Opdyrkning i Danmark

Herold, Emil og Olaf Poulsens – Landbrugets Ordbog

Gyldendals Verdenshistorie

Meyers Vareleksikon

Jorden & Menskelivet 1-3

Dansk Jagtleksikon

De Danskes Vej

Klaus Sturtenbecker

Enevold Brandt

Danmark i Skildringer og Billeder 1-2

Verdens Nyheder i Avisform

Koebenhavn Foer & Nu – 1-7

Dansk Skibsfart 1-2

Biblen eller den Hellige skrift 1905 – Philadelphia – A.J.Holman & Co. (hos P. Barlon)

Illustreret Musik Historie – Panum & Behrend, 2 bind 1897
